
Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday

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Homeschool Holiday
Grade Level:
1-6, homeschool
Product Type:
activities, presentation
File Type:
PDF, link to Google Slide Presentation
Answer Key:
when applicable
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday
  • Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday


Shrove Tuesday, sometimes called Pancake Tuesday,  is a little known holiday with a rich history. It tends to take a back seat to it’s more popular, eccentric twin, Mardi Gras. All three are the exact same day - the day before lent begins, Ash Wednesday. 


With the resources in our Shrove Tuesday/ Mardi Gras Activity Pack you can help your children discover the answer to the overarching question:  What is Shrove Tuesday? 


Because Shrove Tuesday is Mardi Gras, but has a more religious focus compared to a “party” focus, These activities are suitable for Catholic Homeschools (teachers), Faith Formation programs, etc. 




  • An Informational Text handout with Shrove Tuesday Vocabulary words in bold (and highlighted)
  • A Google Slide Presentation 
  • A Teaching Video

 These 3 elements contain the same information about Shrove Tuesday, why it is called Pancake Tuesday, and the fact it is the same day as Mardi Gras (the day before Lent begins). Use one or all elements as you meet the individual needs of the children you are working with. 


  • As you present the “What is Shrove Tuesday?” information - your children can follow along and complete the companion worksheets. You can also have older children read the informational text and fill in the blanks as an independent activity. 


  • Shrove Tuesday was traditionally a day for receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. As such there is a SECOND Google slide presentation that contains an examination of conscience as well as the steps to confession. 


  • Your children can then make a 1-page mini-book so they have the steps of confession at their fingertips. 


  • After becoming familiar with the topics related to Shrove Tuesday, there are vocabulary worksheets, A word search, puzzles and more. Children can create photo props with the Mardi Gras themed cut outs they color themselves or by using the full color printables. 



Lent is a time we encourage acts of service or sacrifice, The Shrove Tuesday Activity Pack includes these GIFTS to you at no additional charge: 


  • The Printable Lenten Journey page where you children can record each day their gift of service or sacrifice for lent. 


  • The Mardi Gras Jester Hat Free-BEE template and instructions so you can hold your own little Mardi Gras Parade! 


Because Shrove Tuesday is also well known as Pancake Tuesday (or Pancake Day) it is a wonderful opportunity to use children’s literature to supplement a lesson. My final GIFT to you this Lent is a series of Worksheets designed to accompany the book: PANCAKES FOR BREAKFAST By Tommie dePaola. 

You can secure a copy at your local library or perhaps you have one on hand in your home library. If not, it is a wonderful addition. You will also find it easily on youtube shared by others. 



Happy Hive Homeschooling resources are designed by a credentialed teacher and packed with learning opportunities - after all, our major guiding principle is “everything is learning”. We reference major academic terms and overarching concepts addressed rather than specific standards. You know your children best and know what goals you want to accomplish, and how best to accomplish those within your happy hive. Our goal is to save you time by giving you resources you can use to give your children a quality education built on strong relationships, accurate academic resources, and enriching experiences. 

Happy Hive Homeschooling strives to provide you with quality products your kids will be buzzing about!


To find out more about why our products don’t reference standards, you can read this post. 


  We hope The Shrove Tuesday Activity Pack helps you begin the Season of Lent in your Happy Hive! 



- Christy,  AKA Mrs. Crabtree, and the Happy Hive Homeschooling Team

- Mrs. Crabtree

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