This activity can be used on a regular basis to enhance numeracy learning at home. Simply choose one or more of the activities from the Math Activity Grid and record on the Activity Log. The activities are based on essential strategies that children need to develop to become proficient in numeracy. The table below is a list of the mathematical areas that are covered in the Math Activity Grid.
All these activities are designed to be completed at home, so it is a perfect homework grid for students or a supporting document for children who are participating in Home Schooling. The activities are hands–on and practical to ensure that real life learning in mathematics is achieved.
There are 12 activities included in the grid;
- Area - Foot Area
- Patterns - Fruit Loop Patterns
- Volume and Capacity - Kitchen Containers Activity
- Chance - Coin Toss
- Multiplication and Division - Multiplication Squares Game and Youtube link to a Division Story
- Length - Play-dough Snakes
- Addition and Subtraction - Addition and Subtraction Catch
- Whole Number - Life Size Number Line
- Data - Kitchen Tally
- 3D vs 2D Shapes - Building with Toothpicks
- Fractions - Lego Fractions
- Time - Make your own Analogue Clock
Check out the Casual Case page for more printable homework activities.