Would you like your students to improve in math problem solving? Math Digital Problem of the Day Sampler includes a sampling of six problems to help students become more familiar with and comfortable in using a variety of problem-solving strategies in an engaging format. First, project a problem and allow students a few minutes to try to solve it. Then discuss their answers and strategies. Finally, work through the interactive solution slide with your students. Solutions are presented in a step-by-step format that’s easy for teachers and students to follow.
Many problems can be solved in a variety of ways, but most students limit themselves by only using a few strategies. This will change for your students as they interact with problems included in this resource.
The strategies include:
Act It Out
Break Into Parts
Check for Hidden Assumptions
Guess and Check
Narrowing In
Search for a Pattern
Use a Calculator
Use a Formula
Use a Model
Work Backwards
This resource can be used for class warm ups, class closers, or feature lessons. It can also be adapted for distance learning.
Check out Off the Page for more resources.