Daily fact practice is key!
I recommend having your students practice fact flashcards for 5 minutes a day and then challenge them to a ____# minute challenge!
Use thechart to have students track the date, # cards mastered and if they increased or decreased their school. Very motivating,simple and not super time consuming.It is a way to make fact fluency FUN and ENGAGING! This chart can be used for all four operations by students circling which operation flashcards they are working on and can be used for any time frame you would like to time with.
*Allows for differentiation in your class for students to focus on the skills they need to master*
INCLUDES: Teacher editable record sheet for tracking progress
Printable FlashCards Resource:
Printable flashcards for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division! Also included addition, multiplication and hundreds chart! Super helpful for students mastering their facts in class and virtually!