
Newton's Laws of Motion Review Puzzles NGSS Physical Science MS-PS-2

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Ratelis Science
Grade Level:
Grade 6-8
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7 puzzles with answer keys
Answer Key:
  • Newton's Laws of Motion Review Puzzles NGSS Physical Science MS-PS-2
  • Newton's Laws of Motion Review Puzzles NGSS Physical Science MS-PS-2
  • Newton's Laws of Motion Review Puzzles NGSS Physical Science MS-PS-2
  • Newton's Laws of Motion Review Puzzles NGSS Physical Science MS-PS-2


A set of 7 puzzles that have students practice critical thinking skills and apply concepts related to Newton's Laws of Motion: Inertia, Force = Mass x Acceleration, and Action and Reaction Pairs, and vocabulary related to motion and Newton's Laws. The puzzles are designed to align with the NGSS physical science standards.

NGSS Standards Addressed:

  • MS-PS-2-1 Apply Newton’s Third Law to design a solution to a problem involving the motion of two colliding objects
  • MS-PS-2-2. Plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion depends on the sum of the forces on the object and the mass of the object.

Topics Covered:

  1. Unicorn Hidden Message Students review vocabulary related to these performance expectations. Vocabulary: Acceleration, deceleration, gravity, kinetic, mass, Newton, speed, and velocity Supports MS-PS-2-1 and PS-2-2
  2. Turkey Hidden Message Students review vocabulary related to these performance expectations. Acceleration, friction, force, gravity, inertia, net force, newton, speed, unbalanced, and Newton’s 1st, Newton’s 2nd and Newton’s 3rd Supports MS-PS-2-1 and PS-2-2
  3. Newton’s Law Maze Students correctly identify examples of Newton’s three Laws of Motion to move through the maze. At the end, they unscramble the letters for a bonus phrase Supports MS-PS-2-1
  4. Newton’s Law Matching Students correctly identify examples of Newton’s three Laws of Motion to decode the message. Supports MS-PS-2-1
  5. Cat Hidden Message Students correctly identify examples of Newton’s three Laws of Motion to decode the message. Uses different examples than Newton’s Law matching Puzzle and the monster hidden puzzle Supports MS-PS-2-1 and PS 2-2
  6. Robot Message Students determine if statements are true or false. This reviews common misconceptions about Newton’s Laws of Motion Supports MS-PS-2-1 and PS-2-2
  7. Monster Eating People? Students correctly identify examples of Newton’s three Laws of Motion to decode the message. Examples of Newton’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws are included. Uses different examples than the Cat Hidden Message puzzle and Newton’s Laws Matching Puzzle Supports MS-PS-2-1 and PS 2-2

Usage Recommendations: These worksheets are versatile and can be utilized for independent practice, in stations, as homework assignments, or as part of emergency substitute teacher plans for unexpected schedule changes.


Cover,TOU or credits (3 pages)

Teacher Notes (2 pages)

Puzzles (9 pages)

Answer Key (7 pages)

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