
Place Value - PowerPoint - Multiplying and dividing digits by 10, 100 and 1000 (including decimals)

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Grade Level:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Product Type:
PowerPoint session - 91 slides
File Type:
Answer Key:
  • Place Value - PowerPoint - Multiplying and dividing digits by 10, 100 and 1000 (including decimals)
  • Place Value - PowerPoint - Multiplying and dividing digits by 10, 100 and 1000 (including decimals)
  • Place Value - PowerPoint - Multiplying and dividing digits by 10, 100 and 1000 (including decimals)
  • Place Value - PowerPoint - Multiplying and dividing digits by 10, 100 and 1000 (including decimals)


This product has been designed to develop the children's knowledge of place value when multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.

Over the course of the three sections and 90 slides which are included, the children will experience:

Section 1: (30 slides)

  • Multiplying whole numbers (units, tens, hundreds) by ten
  • Multiplying decimals (tenths, hundredths and thousandths) by ten
  • Dividing whole numbers (units, tens and hundreds) by ten
  • Dividing decimal numbers (tenths, hundredths and thousandths) by ten

Section 2: (30 slides)

  • Multiplying whole numbers (units, tens, hundreds) by one hundred
  • Multiplying decimals (tenths, hundredths and thousandths) by one hundred
  • Dividing whole numbers (units, tens, hundreds and thousands) by one hundred
  • Dividing decimal numbers (tenths, hundredths and thousandths) by one hundred

Section 3: (30 slides)

  • Multiplying whole numbers (units, tens, hundreds) by one thousand
  • Multiplying decimals (tenths, hundredths and thousandths) by one thousand
  • Dividing whole numbers (units, tens, hundreds and thousands) by one thousand
  • Dividing decimal numbers (tenths, hundredths and thousandths) by one thousand

This resource is a PowerPoint with 90 slides.

Each section is color coded linked to the objective being delivered. Each slide has the objective clearly labelled and there is one question per slide. We have used this for a number of years at the beginning of each new school year. We start by showing the first few slides and discussing what happens to the numbers when multiplying them by ten. Once mastered, we then throw in the decimals to ensure that the children are not just adding a 0 to their answers, but understand that the number grows in size by a power of 10. Then we move onto division of numbers by 10. This process builds up over a number of days before we have introduced all elements of this product. Once everything has been introduced and the children understand the process, then we use the whole product in sessions.

Each slide can also be edited, therefore after each session, each slide can be changed by altering one of the digits, the slides can be used over and over again until the children have mastered the art of place value within multiplication and division of 10, 100 and 1000. This allows the teacher to be able to use the same resource, edited, to further support the skills of the children without having to spend time preparing more resources. Within one minute, the 90 slides can be edited, and the product is ready to go again the following day.

Once the children have mastered the skills, slides can then be jumbled to mix the objectives, ensuring that the skills have been embedded within the children's math journey. This resource has worked every year for us, and we then feel confident in moving onto the four operations, safe in the knowledge that place value understanding is secure.

An added bonus of this product is that the PowerPoint can also be printed off and provide the children with challenge activities to complete independently, in pairs of groups, as homework, a maths center or a review session.

We hope that you and your children enjoy this product.

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Best wishes


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