Porn Sex Life Vs. Real Sex Life - PSHE . Exploring different types of porn (Extreme, Revenge, Child) and dispelling the porn myths with KS4 students. PSHE Relationships Education . PSHE (RSE) Lesson Pack. RSE Editable PowerPoint, Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Mindfulness Activity and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To outline what is and is not legal in terms of pornography.
To identify the differences between what is seen in porn
and what happens in real life.
To look at the impact of porn on society and relationships
Some Key Terms Covered
Revenge Porn, Extreme Porn, Sexting, Child Pornography, illegal, sexual excitement, stimulation
PSHE Confidence (Assessment) Objectives
I understand which types of Pornography are illegal
I understand the differences between real life sex and Porn life sex
I can explain the impact porn is having on society and relationships
Positive Sexual Health underpin this lesson.
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