
PowerPoint & Worksheets: Professionalism Through Social Media in Healthcare

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Prepare your students for success in the healthcare field with this comprehensive lesson plan focused on the importance of professionalism and social media presence. This resource includes an engaging PowerPoint presentation, detailed worksheets for student analysis, and key concepts to facilitate discussions about navigating social media responsibly in a healthcare context.
What’s Included:

  • PowerPoint Presentation: A visually appealing and informative slideshow that covers: (10 Slides)
    • The role of social media in communication and networking.
    • The impact of social media on professionalism and employment opportunities.
    • Best practices for maintaining a positive online image.
    • The importance of privacy settings and respectful communication.


  • Worksheets: Thought-provoking 2 worksheets that guide students in:
    • Analyzing their current social media presence.
    • Reflecting on how their online activities may affect future employment.
    • Setting goals for improving their social media image in a healthcare context.


  • Key Concepts Outline: A structured outline to help educators effectively teach the lesson, ensuring that students grasp the significance of a positive social media presence in their future careers.

Target Audience:
This resource is ideal for high school educators teaching healthcare-related courses, career readiness classes, or social media literacy. It is particularly beneficial for students preparing for clinicals and those pursuing certifications in Patient Care Technician (PCT), Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Medical Assistant (MA), Pharmacy Technician, or Phlebotomy Technician programs.
By using this resource, educators will empower students to:

  • Understand the implications of their digital footprint.
  • Make informed decisions about their social media use.
  • Build a professional online presence that enhances their future job prospects in healthcare.

Get ready to inspire your students to take control of their social media image and prepare for successful careers in healthcare!

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Texas CTE Standards:

1. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Health Science:

  • (130.201) Principles of Health Science:
    • (b) (1) (A): Demonstrate effective communication skills in healthcare settings.
    • (b) (1) (B): Recognize the importance of ethical and legal responsibilities in healthcare, including social media conduct.
    • (b) (2) (A): Demonstrate professionalism in all aspects of healthcare practice.
    • (b) (5) (C): Evaluate the impact of technology, including social media, on healthcare delivery.


Florida CTE Standards:

1. Florida Career and Technical Education Standards:

  • Health Science Education:
    • Standard 4.0: Demonstrate effective communication skills, including the professional use of social media in healthcare settings.
    • Standard 5.0: Understand the ethical and legal considerations of technology use in healthcare.


2. Florida Health Education Standards:

  • Standard HE.912.C.1.5: Analyze the influence of technology on health and wellness, including social media.

California CTE Standards:

1. California Career Technical Education Standards:

  • Health Science and Medical Technology Sector:
    • Standard 1.0: Demonstrate knowledge of the healthcare industry, including the effects of social media on professional relationships.
    • Standard 2.0: Communicate effectively and professionally in a variety of contexts, including digital platforms.


2. California Common Core State Standards:

  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions, including those about social media implications.

New York CTE Standards:

1. New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Standards:

  • Standard 1: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation: Students demonstrate knowledge of the importance of professionalism in the workplace, including social media.
  • Standard 4: Interpersonal Skills: Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in various contexts, including online.

2. New York State Education Department Health Science Standards:

  • Standard 3: Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration in healthcare settings, including responsible social media use.
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