September Ideas How to Start the School Year
This 34-page packet includes getting to know you activities, read alouds and discussions, learning about community and words that are important as we start the school year. This was prepared to be used in the classroom or as a virtual teaching tool in these uncertain times. Students can learn about their classmates, their teacher, and review basic routines in school before diving into reading and math programs. The activities included allow for teacher/student interaction online or can be used on a Smartboard/whiteboard in the classroom. Included are videos of read-alouds for virtual teaching ease.
Check out Elly Elementary for more resources
?READ ALOUD: First Day Jitters By Julie Danneberg #firstdayjitters
Welcome to my channel! I have a great first day or first week ...
Arthur Writes a Story Read Aloud
Arthur has a new homework assignment to write a story. What ty...
Miss Mingo and the First Day of School Read By Yami Rodriguez
Stories animated and read by Mrs. Krull's students.