This product may be used for test preparation, review, assessment, test/quiz bank, tutoring and many other uses.
The product contains editable word documents as well as pdf documents and adaptable for remote instruction needs.
The product consists of a 19 question series circuit worksheet (4 pages), a 21 question parallel circuit worksheet (5 pages) and a 25 question series/parallel circuit quiz (7 pages) of 65 questions.
Answer keys for both the worksheet and quiz are included and are not included in the page count. The 16 total pages are materials for student use. The answer keys are not included in this count.
Learning Objectives Addressed:
With mastery of this information the student will be able to:
1. recognize an ammeter is used to measure current in an electric circuit and represent an ammeter in a drawing of an electric circuit.
2. list three conditions required for a functioning electric circuit.
3. state the function of an electric cell or battery and properly represent these in an electric circuit.
4. recognize a voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference in a circuit and represent a voltmeter in a drawing of an electric circuit.
5. indicate the direction of current flow in a circuit.
6. describe Ohm's law and use the equation R=V/I in calculations.
7. define the term ohm.
8. state the roles of resistors and variable resistors and label these in circuit diagrams.
9. state some major differences between series and parallel circuits.
10. calculate current, potential difference and equivalent resistance in a series circuit.
11. state one major advantage of parallel circuits over series circuits.
12. calculate current, potential difference and equivalent resistance in parallel circuits.
Terms of Use
Purchase of the product is for classroom use by the purchaser only. I do encourage you to use and edit these documents to suit your needs with your own students in distance learning environments.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.