Looking for a fun St. Patrick's Day-themed lesson on dividing decimals by decimals? Number Chips reduce the frustration for students by providing every number they need on every slide, to help students with their long division. They simply drag and drop the numbers into the correct location in the division problem. If the numbers are not working, students know they've made an error and must go back and check again.
This scaffolded lesson walks students through the steps of how to move the decimal point when dividing. Dividing Decimals is fun with these colorful, moveable chips. Check out the video on the preview slides (or above) for teacher instructions.
In this Lesson:
* Students count the number of places to move the decimal point.
* Problems move from simple to more difficult as students gain proficiency.
* Students place a "moveable" decimal point in the correct place in their quotient.
* Students will solve a St. Patrick's Day Riddle by matching their answers to a letter.
Product includes printable foldable for the interactive notebook and a printable worksheet.
Teacher Answer Key included.
- CCSS.6.NS.B.2
- CCSS.6.NS.B.3
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