
Super Bowl/Football Version - Equivalent Fractions with Number Chips

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  • Super Bowl/Football Version - Equivalent Fractions with Number Chips
  • Super Bowl/Football Version - Equivalent Fractions with Number Chips
  • Super Bowl/Football Version - Equivalent Fractions with Number Chips
  • Super Bowl/Football Version - Equivalent Fractions with Number Chips


 Looking for a fun activity for creating equivalent fractions with a Football theme? My students love these number chips! Students will move the number chips into the circles to create equivalent fractions, change fractions greater than one to mixed numbers, and mixed numbers to single fractions. Students will enjoy moving the number chips around their screen. Every number the students need is on each slide. This reduces the frustration of finding the correct answer. Students can then use the process of elimination to help them complete each slide.

 The Best Part: On the final slide, students unscramble the letter chips in order to solve a Football riddle!

Product includes a printable foldable for the interactive notebook, and a printable worksheet to follow the digital lesson.


  • CCSS.5.NBT.A.3
  • CCSS.6.NS.B.3
  • CCSS.4.NF.C.7

 Lesson Main Points:

*Move number chips into the correct circles to simplify 12 fractions.

*Move number chips into the correct circles to change fractions greater than one to a mixed number.

*Move number chips into the correct circles to change mixed numbers into fractions greater than one.

*Solve a Football Riddle by unscrambling letter chips.

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 Terms of Use: By purchasing this product, you agree not to share, resell, copy, or alter this product in any way.

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