
Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics

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  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics
  • Survivorship Curve Graphing Activity Using Cemetery Demographics


High school Biology or Ecology students’ mission in this quest is to create a line graph that shows the survivorship curves for both genders from faux cemetery demographic source data. From there, students will answer follow-up questions about various survivorship curves while citing historical events that affected the populace's lifespan using the built-in text as a resource.

This multi-day activity includes the following:

  • A cover page
  • A full-page introduction that houses the lesson objectives, student directions, and graphing instructions for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets
  • Two pages are reserved for the cemetery demographics source data table, where students will calculate the age at passing from faux grave stone marker data.
  • Two pages of tables where students will calculate the survival numbers by decade with an explicit, easy to follow lettered guide
  • A source data table for the survivorship curve
  • A full-page analysis sheet that comes with a half-page of background information
  • An eight-page key with the answers or data in bold, red font, which includes the final line graph

This lesson will become editable upon conversion to Microsoft Word using an Adobe Acrobat DC Reader app.

I appreciate your interest. I have taught high school science for over twenty-five years. I have published science education kits, games, books, and lessons through various education supply corporations since 2002. I am confident this lesson set will serve you and your students well!





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