Kelly's Number Chips
Fractions to Decimals with Number Chips - Football-Themed
$3.00Looking for a Football-themed lesson for converting fractions to decimals? Number chips help reduce the frustration for students since every number students need are on every slide. They're a fun method for teaching students...$3.00 -
Long Division with Number Chips - Summer-Themed Lesson
$3.00Looking for a step-by-step activity for teaching long division with remainders? Would your students like a Summer theme? Students will learn long division with remainders in this scaffolded lesson using Number Chips. They...$3.00 -
Long Division with Remainders - Space-Themed - Digital and Printable
$3.00Looking for a step-by-step activity for teaching long division with remainders? Would your students like a Space theme? Students will learn long division with remainders in this scaffolded lesson using Number Chips. They...$3.00 -
Dividing Decimals with Number Chips - Pirate Version - Digital and Printable
$3.00Looking for a fun Pirate-themed lesson on dividing decimals by decimals? Number Chips reduce the frustration for students by providing every number they need on every slide, to help students with their long division. They...$3.00 -
Multiplying Decimals Math Activity - Summer-Themed - Digital and Printable
$3.00Looking for a fun activity to teach multiplying decimals with a Summer theme? This number chip lesson walks students through the steps of multiplying decimals and moving the decimal points correctly. Every number the students need is on...$3.00 -
Multiplying Decimals with Number Chips - Digital and Printable - Pirate-Themed
$3.00Looking for a fun activity to teach multiplying decimals with a Pirate theme? This number chip lesson walks students through the steps of multiplying decimals and moving the decimal points correctly. Every number the students...$3.00 -
Space-Themed Multiplying Decimals with Number Chips - Digital and Printable
$3.00Looking for a fun activity to teach multiplying decimals with a Space theme? This number chip lesson walks students through the steps of multiplying decimals and moving the decimal points correctly. Every number the students need is on...$3.00 -
Percentages - Convert from Fractions and Decimals - Basketball-Themed - Digital and Printable
$3.00Looking for a fun way to learn converting fractions to decimals to percentages with a Basketball themed activity? Using number chips, students will learn and practice these conversions. This scaffolded lesson becomes...$3.00 -
Percentages - Convert from Fractions and Decimals - Summer-Themed
$3.00Looking for a fun way to learn converting fractions to decimals to percentages with a Summer theme? Using number chips, students will learn and practice these conversions. This scaffolded lesson becomes increasingly more...$3.00 -
Percentages - Convert from Fractions and Decimals - Space-Themed
$3.00Looking for a fun way to learn converting fractions to decimals to percentages with a Space theme? Using number chips, students will learn and practice these conversions. This scaffolded lesson becomes increasingly more...$3.00 -
Adding and Subtracting Decimals Activity - Summer-Themed - Digital and Printable
$3.00Summer-Themed Adding and Subtracting Decimals activity: Looking for a fun activity for adding and subtracting decimals with a Summer theme? Students will enjoy moving the number chips around their...$3.00 -
Decimals - Adding and Subtracting Math Activity - Space-Themed
$3.00Space-Themed Adding and Subtracting Decimals activity: Looking for a fun activity for adding and subtracting decimals with a Outer Space theme? Students will enjoy moving the number chips around their...$3.00