


Thanks for visiting Ysci! I'm Rosie Yang and teaching has been a huge part of my life for over a decade. The bulk of my experience includes teaching life science and physical science to middle school students; however, I've also taught these subjects at the high school level.  
Science and art have always been my two greatest passions. When I started teaching, I was often frustrated by the quality of the diagrams and images that I would encounter when lesson planning. Although I was confident about the content that I presented to my students, I felt that having more visually appealing material would help increase engagement. When I met my husband, a graphic designer and animator, he helped my curriculum come alive by collaborating with me on creating interactive notes, beautiful manipulatives and even animated videos (check out Together, we're on a mission to help make science as exciting and relevant as possible. We hope that you enjoy our materials and welcome feedback and suggestions for future topics!