
Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece


  • The Peloponnesian War - DBQ The Peloponnesian War - DBQ

    The Peloponnesian War - DBQ

    The Peloponnesian War – DBQ The main goal of this lesson is for students to analyze primary and secondary sources on the Peloponnesian War: Check out another version of this lesson with a reading, videos, and other...
  • The Peloponnesian Wars The Peloponnesian Wars

    The Peloponnesian Wars

    The Peloponnesian Wars – Lesson and Activity The main objective of this lesson is to have students describe causes, effects and strategies of the Peloponnesian war   In this lesson you get a 15 slide PPT with: Do...
  • Greek City-States Greek City-States

    Greek City-States

    Greek City-States Everyone knows about Athens and Sparta, but what about other important city-states?   The main goal of this lesson is for students to describe and compare the characteristics of 6 different Greek...
  • The Persian Wars - DBQ The Persian Wars - DBQ

    The Persian Wars - DBQ

    The Greco-Persian Wars - DBQ The main objective of this activity is to have students determine how the Greeks won the Persian Wars by analyzing various maps and sources   To start the lesson, there is an 11 slide PowerPoint...
  • Greek Achievements Greek Achievements

    Greek Achievements

    Greek Achievements The main goal of this lesson is for students to assess how Greek achievements have influenced our world today A 24 slide PowerPoint includes: Warm-up Task Informational slides on various achievements 2...