TC Resources
Trademark & Promotional Guidelines
In an effort to maintain effective recognition of the Amped Up Learning brand, we ask that you follow certain guidelines when using the Amped Up Learning ("AUL") name/logo in your promotional materials and/or digital presence.
1) Please only use the official Amped Up Learning or Blue Bolt Merch logos when promoting products.
You are welcome to use the AUL logo when promoting your products in portals related to Amped Up Learning (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.). Use the official logo (type style, colors, bulb & bolt icon) in its standard format and do NOT create other logos. Please do not create any logos depicting Amped Up Learning including utilizing other font styles, typefaces or icons in any manner. If you need additional representations of Amped Up Learning or Blue Bolt Merch trademarks other than the configurations found in the Amped Up Learning Logo Package, contact Gregg or Mat.
2) Please do not stretch or size up the AUL logo.
This will skew the proportion of the logo, reducing the visual recognition and integrity of the mark. (Digitally) sizing up the Amped Up Learning logo may cause unwanted pixelation (fuzzy edges) and not be recognized or look unprofessional. If you need a logo to be a larger size for your purposes, please contact Gregg or Mat. They will be glad to help.
3) Please use ONLY approved Amped Up Learning logo color combinations.
This AUL Logo Package contains resources for many different applications of the AUL logo including Social Media posts, web promotions, ads, printed materials and products. Of the included logos, you will find a combination that should work with any layout - light, dark, pattern, etc. Please refrain from taking the logo and changing it to ANY other colors but the trademark colors. Visual recognition of a trademark is key. If you have an application you would like to discuss, contact Mat.
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas about how we can make your life easier to promote your products and promote, email Gregg or Mat. They're all ears and look forward to helping you in any way possible.
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