Students will read and analyze 20+ primary sources covering different aspects of the Gilded Age such as Turner's Frontier Thesis, Populists, Wounded Knee Massacre, women's fight for suffrage, immigration, labor unions, the Chinese Exclusion Act, Supreme Court Cases, the Gospel of Wealth, the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, the transcontinental railroad, the Dawes Act and a Native American response to it, and more!
There are over 300 questions, extensions tasks, and image analysis prompts for students to respond to. One source also includes map work. The answers are included where appropriate, and they would be great for a sub!
To recap, this includes:
--Chinese Exclusion Act
--Chinese Exclusion Act Point of View Analysis
--Cross of Gold
--Gospel of Wealth
--Dawes Act
--Populist Party Platform 1892
--Populist Party Platform 1896
--Grant's Inaugural Address
--Populism DBQ
--Industrialism DQB
--Immigration DBQ
--Overall Quote and Image Analysis
--Frontier Thesis
--Wounded Knee Massacre
--Transcontinental Railroad
--Pendleton Civil Service Act
--Sherman Anti-0Trust Act
--Plessy v. Ferguson
--Image and Caption Matching
--Statue of Liberty
--Elizabeth Cady Stanton on Suffrage
--Labor Unions point of view and image analysis
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