
Trademarks and Copyright

Amped Up Learning Policy

At Amped Up Learning, we take matters of intellectual property infringement very seriously. It’s important to us that all of our teacher contributors follow our rules and respect the intellectual property rights of others.

 As a Amped Up Learning teacher contributor, everything you post should fall into one of the following buckets:

  • An original resource that contains only content that you’ve created yourself (imagery, text, videoand everything else).
  • An original resource that contains content you didn’t create but that you have the right to use (for example through a license for commercial use, explicit authorization from the creator, public domain content, or because of a fair use exception).

If we receive notice that a Teacher Contributor has violated this rule by posting a resource that infringes on someone else’s intellectual property rights, we remove that resource from our site and the Teacher Contributor risks having their Amped Up Learning account closed.

How can I report infringement of my intellectual property to Amped Up Learning?

Amped Up Learning respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects the same from all of our teacher contributors. We comply very closely with the laws governing the use of intellectual property, and will take action against accounts who violate our policies.

If you believe that content posted on our site infringes on your copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property you can submit a notice to our Copyright department through our DMCA agent at

When we receive a completed notice with all of the required information, we work hard to process it quickly and remove the identified content.