
U.S. Government | The Origins of U.S. Government | A Document Based Activity

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Learning is a Passion
Activity Type:
Document Based Activity, Video Activity, Google
File Type:
Zip and Google Version
Answer Key:
  • U.S. Government | The Origins of U.S. Government | A Document Based Activity
  • U.S. Government | The Origins of U.S. Government | A Document Based Activity


In this 21 page activity your students will have everything they need to complete an activity that addresses the Origin of U.S. Government and answers the following question:

How did British documents, Enlightenment philosophers, democratic precedents, grievances against their monarch and a failed confederation grow the tree of Representative Democracy in America and mold the U.S. Constitution?”

In other words, why didn’t the people in the United States choose a monarchy for their new country?

In this activity, your students will:

1) Answer a warm-up question after watching a short public access video that will trigger student prior knowledge about why the people living in the 13 Colonies became unhappy with their King in Great Britain (worksheet and web address is provided)

2) Work in small groups or individually (teacher choice) to examine 13 primary source excerpts that address the essential question. (Primary Source Excerpts, Discussion questions and graphic organizers provided)

3) Complete an assessment activity of their choice (2 assignment choices are provided).

This lesson contains all handouts, slides and Step-by Step Teacher Directions.


Primary Source Excerpts Included:

Rousseau's Social Contract

Locke's Two Treatises of Government

Mayflower Compact

English Bill of Rights

Magna Carta

Massachusett's Body of Liberties

Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

Common Sense

Declaration of Independence

Olive Branch Petition

Articles of Confederation

And MORE!!!


***Includes a GOOGLE and Traditional version for your use!

Created by: Learning is a Passion

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