Are you looking for a quick way to review the Eras of US History? This US History EOC Review activity has students identifying important concepts that fit and don't fit in an era. This is a great review for STAAR!
How does it work?
The overall concept is that students highlight terms that correctly fit in the era, Gilded Age - Modern Era. They circle (or use a different highlighter) to identify the mistakes that don't fit in the era. It's a great way to review a TON of content in a small amount of time!
There are several ways to use this activity.
- As a gallery walk - Put students on a timer and had them complete it as a race.
- In stations - students can move from era to era around the classroom.
- Independently or in groups - completing all eras.
- Project it "whole class" and call on small groups to identify correct and incorrect terms.
- It's a really flexible activity that allows you to use it several ways!
What is included?
- PDF version that preserves the fonts I used.
- EDITIABLE Power Point version - allows you to adjust the terms if you wish. You will need to download the fonts I used if you want it to look like the original. If you don't download the fonts, it might download a little "wonky" - you'll just need to adjust the fonts a bit to make it work.
This activity is aligned to the 2019 Texas TEKS.