Welcome! I created this full-page activity for my middle school earth science students. In this study guide, students will reinforce their understanding of the following terms – active volcano, caldera, cinder, cinder cone, composite volcano, crater, dormant volcano, explosive eruption, extinct volcano, igneous rock, lava, magma, Mediterranean Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, quiet eruption, Ring of Fire, shield volcano, vent, volcanic ash, volcanic bomb, volcanic dust, and volcano. It also covers the composition difference between dark and light-colored lava.
This review has five fill-in-the-blank sections, each with its own word bank. The layout provides adequate space for students to write their answers on the lines. Each section covers a different subtopic.
I provided a two-page key with the answers in red font.
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This activity complements the following other volcano-themed lessons in my store.
What am I? Volcano Vocabulary Builder Activity
Volcanoes and Earthquakes Homework Quiz
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