This full-page test on weather and the atmosphere contains thirty-one questions. All of the questions are multiple-choice, except for a matching section and one short answer question. I proctor this test in my seventh grade earth science class.
Subtopics covered include:
Makeup of the atmosphere
Differentiation of front formation
The role of various gases
Breakdown of wind names
Cloud indication of current weather
Five layers of the earth’s atmosphere facts/classification
The instruments meteorologists use to measure weather
English meaning of Latin cloud names
The causes of wind
Local versus global winds
Sea versus land breeze
The Coriolis effect
The greenhouse effect
Severe weather
Radiation and convection
Weather symbol features
Classification of air masses
Atmospheric factors that interact to cause weather
Fixed versus variable gases in the atmosphere
Factors that affect temperature
Identification of the three climate zones.
Factors that determine climate
Units of measurement for various meteorological instruments
How air pressure affects cloud formation
On what air pressure is dependent
Identifying the source of the earths’ energy
Pinpointing the meaning of different vocabulary terms such as relative humidity.
I included a complete key with the answers in a red font.
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This resource complements the following atmosphere and weather-themed activities in my store:
Weather and the Atmosphere Study Guide #2
Atmosphere-Weather Themed Crossword Puzzle Series
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