Where in the World Am I - Flip Book
- Contributor:
- Homeschool Holiday
- Grade Level:
- 2-6
- Product Type:
- flip book
- File Type:
- Pages:
- 65 (because of the 50 states)
- Answer Key:
- N/A
Thank you for your interest in the Where am I flip book from the Happy Hive/ homeschool holiday.com.
Our Products are designed to accompany clever and quirky as well as traditional holidays. This is designed to go with Read a Map day: April 5th. It also works with State studies, Students who are new to the country and MUCH MORE!
I tried to be as thorough as possible in making this book! If you would like a custom page added, please contact me and I will do my best!
A few pages have color / BW options.
Map Skills are so important to young learners. This8 PAGE flipbook contains pages for:
ME: A self-portrait of the child
HOUSE:draw your house, kids can include their address if you wish.
STREET: Draw a map of your street. Simple or detailed, the requirements are up to you!
CITY: All 50 states are included, print the state you need and guide your learners where to place a DOT for their city, and a STAR for the capital.
STATE: Color YOUR state on a map of the United States.
COUNTRY: Color the map of the United States
CONTINENT: Color the map of North America, and by itself
PLANET: The instructions ask the learner to label and color all the planets. They are also asked to circle the one they live on. This is designed to add a little FUN and humor to the project!
I put the grass/dots along the MY HOUSE, MY STREET, and blank MY CITY pages to act as a border so students would not draw below that area.
I hope this helps your learners become more aware of their place in the world!
May your educational journey be blessed!
- Mrs. Crabtree
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4 Reviews
Amazing Resource!
This is such an amazing resource! I can't believe everything that's included for the low price. It's so important for kids to feel connected to a place, and learn about their neighborhood, city, state, country, and world. Nice and clear pages and activities for students to make a booklet about their "place". I can see this is something families will want to hold onto as a keepsake. And the outlines of all 50 states could be used to learn state capitals as well. Wonderful, thank you!
social studies
This is an ideal social studies activity to do for back to school. I like that it's a booklet that students can take home and share with their parents.
How Fun!
What a great way to learn about the world and where you "fit" in! I can not wait to use this with my grand kids! We may even have a show and tell with them!
Where Am I flip Book
This is such a great resource! Kids are always so overwhelmed about the world around them and this really gives them a visual to see their connection to their surroundings. Can't wait to use this in the Fall!