
Where in the World Am I - Flip Book

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Homeschool Holiday
Grade Level:
Product Type:
flip book
File Type:
65 (because of the 50 states)
Answer Key:
  • Where in the World Am I - Flip Book
  • Sample of assembled flip book with all pages
  • Where in the World Am I - Flip Book
  • Where in the World Am I - Flip Book


Thank you for your interest in the Where am I flip book from the Happy Hive/ homeschool

Our Products are designed to accompany clever and quirky as well as traditional holidays. This is designed to go with Read a Map day: April 5th. It also works with State studies, Students who are new to the country and MUCH MORE! 


I tried to be as thorough as possible in making this book! If you would like a custom page added, please contact me and I will do my best!


A few pages have color / BW options.




Map Skills are so important to young learners. This8 PAGE flipbook contains pages for:




ME: A self-portrait of the child


HOUSE:draw your house, kids can include their address if you wish.


STREET: Draw a map of your street. Simple or detailed, the requirements are up to you!


CITY: All 50 states are included, print the state you need and guide your learners where to place a DOT for their city, and a STAR for the capital.


STATE: Color YOUR state on a map of the United States.


COUNTRY: Color the map of the United States


CONTINENT: Color the map of North America, and by itself


PLANET: The instructions ask the learner to label and color all the planets. They are also asked to circle the one they live on. This is designed to add a little FUN and humor to the project!




I put the grass/dots along the MY HOUSE, MY STREET, and blank MY CITY pages to act as a border so students would not draw below that area.






I hope this helps your learners become more aware of their place in the world!




May your educational journey be blessed!


- Mrs. Crabtree



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4 Reviews

  • 5

    Amazing Resource!

    Posted by Pamela Haffner on Jul 11th 2020

    This is such an amazing resource! I can't believe everything that's included for the low price. It's so important for kids to feel connected to a place, and learn about their neighborhood, city, state, country, and world. Nice and clear pages and activities for students to make a booklet about their "place". I can see this is something families will want to hold onto as a keepsake. And the outlines of all 50 states could be used to learn state capitals as well. Wonderful, thank you!

  • 5

    social studies

    Posted by Debbie Mendoza on Jul 10th 2020

    This is an ideal social studies activity to do for back to school. I like that it's a booklet that students can take home and share with their parents.

  • 5

    How Fun!

    Posted by Melanie Miller on Jul 7th 2020

    What a great way to learn about the world and where you "fit" in! I can not wait to use this with my grand kids! We may even have a show and tell with them!

  • 5

    Where Am I flip Book

    Posted by Cortney Gaynes on Jul 6th 2020

    This is such a great resource! Kids are always so overwhelmed about the world around them and this really gives them a visual to see their connection to their surroundings. Can't wait to use this in the Fall!

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