We devised this product to support our children identify words within the 8 main word classifications:
- noun
- adjective
- verb
- adverb
- pronoun
- conjunction
- determiner
- preposition
We found that our children got confused easily when they had to identify the groups which different words belonged to - so we created three PowerPoint Presentations to use within our teaching.
The presentations are a graduated response to ensuring that the children are introduced to the 8 different word classifications with examples from each group. Support is provided for the children in presentation 1, slowly removing some of the support in Presentation 2, and the children being completely independent in demonstrating their knowledge in Presentation 3. Each works in a slightly different way:
Presentation 1:
93 words, grouped into their word classifications and color coded within their groups. Children view the words and identify the classification, this can be shouted out by the whole group, individuals selected to state the classification, or written on a white board.
Presentation 2:
The same 93 words as in presentation 1, color coded and mixed up randomly. At this point, we moved the children to writing the classifications on smaller whiteboards and showing the teacher. We also used the word classification flash cards which each child had a set of and could quickly select and show the teacher. This increased speed and the competitive nature of learning.
Presentation 3:
The same 93 words already focused on, no color coding and mixed up randomly once again. We used the flash cards to increase speed, as well as white boards for the children to record their responses.
Word Classification Flashcards:
Whilst the children can call out the answers and record them on whiteboards, we have also included a set of 8 flashcards (each of the word classifications included) so that the children can each have a set of the 8 word classification cards and when they see the word in the PowerPoint Presentation, they lift and show the correct classification flash card. This provides another dimension to the activities- along with a competitive edge which our children really enjoyed, especially when they became more confident!
We used the slides each day for a series of weeks. Initially starting with the first PowerPoint, enabling the children to see links between words within the same classifications - the color coding supported them in making further links between the types of words and their classification.
We moved onto the second PowerPoint quite quickly which used the same 93 words from the first PowerPoint - but were now jumbled and mixed. The color coding of the slides remained, which supported some children in identifying the word classification of some of the words - but on the whole, the children loved the fast paced activity and showing off their word classification knowledge.
Once the children had mastered these words and their classifications, and we felt they needed more of a challenge, we produced the third presentation which removed the color coding. The children now had no visual cues and had to show that they really knew the classification of the words.
The benefit of this product is that the words can be moved around each day - ensuring the children can't memorise the order. The presentations are also editable, so teachers can replace words and change them with other vocabulary - or add more linked to assessment of learning, or topic based vocabulary which teachers would like the children to learn.
An added benefit we found was this also helped the children with their spellings as they were continually seeing these words each day.
This product really supported our children in their acquisition of word classification knowledge. It is easy to use - simply download and go. The flashcards require printing, copying and cutting - and therefore provides a different dimension to the activities. It can be used every day and quickly supports all children.
Thank you for viewing this product and visiting our store.
Best wishes