This lesson plan covers the origins, main ideas, and spread of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity.
Students will read a 2 page article about these religions and philosophies. They will then read a series of quotes and statements and have to match each quote to the correct religion and explain why they did so. Teachers will then go over the answers with the students afterwards and discuss their responses.
To check for understanding, I also include an additional handout that could be used after the lesson or on a following day. Partner students up and give each team a handout, which includes 15 different descriptions of the religions (different than the ones on the previous article). Give students 5-10 minutes to match as many statements as they can.
There is an included 6 slide powerpoint that then goes over the answers.
For Texas teachers, this lesson directly addresses the following TEK:
WH23 Culture. The student understands the history and relevance of major religious and philosophical traditions. The student is expected to: (A) describe the historical origins, central ideas, and spread of major religious and philosophical traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and the development of monotheism
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