Dividing Decimals with Number Chips
$3.00Looking for a fun lesson on dividing decimals? Number Chips are used on every slide to help students with their long division. Every number students need is on every slide. They simply drag and drop the numbers into the correct location in the division...$3.00 -
Easter Dividing Decimals with Number Chips
$3.00Looking for a fun Easter- themed lesson on dividing decimals? Number Chips are used on every slide to help students with their long division. Every number students need is on every slide. They simply drag and drop the numbers into the correct location in...$3.00 -
Single-Digit Multiplication Task Cards - School Theme
$1.90Take a look at this! You’ve just found a fun and engaging math activity for your middle and upper elementary school learners. These 20, school themed task cards are a great addition to your back-to-school math curriculum. Brushing up on...$1.90 -
2-Digit Multiplication Task Cards - School Theme
$1.90Check it out! You’ve just found a fun and engaging math activity for your middle and upper elementary school learners. These 20, school themed task cards are a great addition to your back-to-school math curriculum. Brushing up on multiplication...$1.90 -
Multi-Digit Multiplication Worksheets - Apple Theme
$1.00Help your grade 4 learners take multiplication to the next step with these 4 apple-themed worksheets. This product contains a step-by-step visual aid that is perfect for learners just being introduced to the concept of multi-digit multiplication...$1.00 -
Elapsed Time Task Cards with 1-Minute Intervals
$1.90This set of 20 school-themed task cards will get your upper elementary school learners up and moving as they work to complete a variety of problems focused on telling time to the nearest 1-minute. Cards were designed with continuity and showcase 4...$1.90 -
St. Patrick's Day Dividing Decimals with Number Chips
$3.00Looking for a fun St. Patrick's Day-themed lesson on dividing decimals? Number Chips are used on every slide to help students with their long division. Every number students need is on every slide. They simply drag and drop the numbers into the correct...$3.00 -
Juegos de matemáticas mentales
$2.50Estas actividades están listas para usar. Descarga, haz clic y experimenta horas de cálculo mental disfrazado de diversión. Las preguntas en la mayoría de los juegos se pueden editar fácilmente. Haga clic en un...$2.50 -
Elapsed Time Task Cards with 5-Minute Intervals
$1.90Are you looking for an engaging activity to help your learners practice their elapsed time skills? This set of 20 task cards will get your middle elementary school learners up and moving as they work to complete a variety of problems focused on telling...$1.90 -
Valentine's Day Dividing Decimals with Number Chips
$3.00Looking for a fun Valentine's Day-themed lesson on dividing decimals? Number Chips are used on every slide to help students with their long division. Every number students need is on every slide. They simply drag and drop the numbers into the correct...$3.00 -
New Year's Dividing Decimals with Number Chips - Digitial and Printable
$3.00Looking for a fun New Year's-themed lesson on dividing decimals? Number Chips are used on every slide to help students with their long division. Every number students need is on every slide. They simply drag and drop the numbers into the correct location...$3.00 -
Christmas Dividing Decimals with Number Chips
$3.00Looking for a fun Christmas-themed lesson on dividing decimals by decimals? Number Chips reduce the frustration for students by providing every number they need on every slide, to help students with their long division. They...$3.00