
7 Science Escape Room Bundle (14 hour running time)

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Grade Level:
(2) 3, 4, 5, 6
Product Type:
7 x Escape Room Problem Solving, Cooperative Learning, Research
File Type:
Zip, PPT
Answer Key:
  • 7 Science Escape Room Bundle (14 hour running time)
  • 7 Science Escape Room Bundle (14 hour running time)
  • 7 Science Escape Room Bundle (14 hour running time)
  • 7 Science Escape Room Bundle (14 hour running time)
  • 7 Science Escape Room Bundle (14 hour running time)
  • 7 Science Escape Room Bundle (14 hour running time)


These exciting and fully resourced Escape Rooms have been planned to support the teaching and revision of science within Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6, but can also be used in Grade 2 with additional support.

Simply print and go - with the only additional resources required being research materials if the children have not yet learnt the topic area. Great for cooperative learning, innovative approach to teaching and learning, and within our classes, has gathered much excitement and a need to succeed to reach the final goal.

Within these 7 Escape Rooms - each lasting for approximately two hours, there are 9 activities/challenges which will provide Code Keys in supporting children to solve the problem solved at the start of the Escape Room activity.

The 7 topics covered are:

Alien Eco Invasion (Ecology, Green Plants and Living Things):

Curriculum Content:

The 9 activities are based on the following outcomes:

  • The order of the planets in the solar system which the aliens will pass on their way to Earth.
  • Distances travelled in space from planet to planet as the aliens travel to Earth.
  • Fuel requirements of the aliens – maths link.
  • Physical features of Insects
  • Parts of an Insects Body
  • Parts of a Plant
  • Life Cycle of a Plant
  • Requirements of a plant to grow healthily and reproduce
  • An awareness of what the aliens want to take from Earth using their knowledge from the previous 8 Code Key activities

Ghost House Escape (Light, Sound, Space):

Curriculum Content:

The 9 activities are based on the following outcomes:

  • How Light travels faster than Sound and can explain why we see things before we hear them.
  • How fast light travels from the sun to Earth and other planets. Children then use this knowledge to be able to sequence the order of planets based on the speed light from the sun reaches them.
  • Shadows and the vocabulary of transparent, translucent, opaque.
  • Comparison of how Light and Sound travels, including introducing how Sound travels at different speeds through Solids, Liquids and Gases.
  • Light Sources and Reflectors and thinking through why reflectors are good choices of protection when out at night in the dark.
  • peed at which sound can travel through different objects – ordering materials based on knowledge of particles in solids, liquids and gases.
  • Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection
  • Colours of the Rainbow, developing an understanding of how we see colours of an object through individual research.
  • Reviewing the 8 Code Keys and identifying what we have learnt/revised about Light and Sound.

Mass Zombie Extinction (Humans):

Curriculum Content:

The 9 activities are based on the following outcomes:

  • The seven characteristics of living things
  • The functions of the skeleton and comparison with plants
  • Labelling bones which protect and the organs which are protected
  • Features of blood (word search) – children must answer 9 questions in order to find the answers in the word search
  • Features of the heart and understanding the difference between the left side and right side of the heart
  • Food groups
  • Life Cycle of Humans – Labelling a diagram and understanding why old people do not feature on the life cycle – even though they are still alive!
  • Identifying healthy meals by comparing food groups within meals
  • Reviewing the 8 Code Keys and identifying what we have learnt/revised about Humans and Living Things.

What's the Matter? (Materials and their Properties):

Curriculum Content:

The 9 activities are based on the following outcomes:

  • Be able to draw the scientific features of solids, liquids and gases
  • Know the features of solids, liquids and gases
  • Know types of materials within solids, liquids and gases, and other properties which materials might have
  • Link materials to their features
  • Be able to label the water cycle with scientific vocabulary
  • Chemical and Physical Changes
  • Name the only natural material which is a solid, a liquid and a gas
  • Review of learning within the topic of Materials and their properties.

All Powered Up (Electrical Circuits)

Curriculum Content:

The 9 activities are based on the following outcomes:

  • Electrical Circuit component names
  • Electrical Circuit component images and names linked
  • 9 scientific images and names
  • Identifying errors in the construction of simple circuits
  • Predicting what will happen with built circuits
  • Linking scientific diagrams of circuits with “pictures” of circuits
  • Series and Parallel circuits
  • Power usage
  • Reviewing the 8 Code Keys and identifying what we have learnt/revised about Electricity.

Out of this World (Space, the Planets, Earth and Beyond)

Curriculum Content:

The 9 activities are based on the following outcomes:

  • Planets named in order from the sun to the furthermost point of the universe (including Pluto as a dwarf planet)
  • Planets in order of size
  • Distances between the planets
  • Facts about the main planets
  • Sound in space – Vacuums
  • Space Travel/Exploration
  • Key Space Explorers
  • Reviewing the 8 Code Keys and identifying what we have learnt/revised about Space – Earth and Beyond.

Feel the Force (Forces)

Curriculum Content:

  • Naming the main forces
  • Word search to find the main forces and develop confidence in spelling the key vocabulary
  • An understanding that forces work in pairs
  • Know that arrows show direction of force, and the bigger the arrow, the greater the force.
  • To know that arrows can show which force in a pair is stronger, and where equilibrium will occur (when both forces are the same)
  • Real life contexts and an understanding of which forces are being used
  • Magnetic materials, polar attraction, magnets attracting and repelling.
  • The life of Sir Isaac Newton
  • The force of Gravity on different planets – an understanding of the phrase – the greater the mass, the greater the pull (gravity). Ordering planets based on their mass and gravitational pull.
  • Review of learning/revision as a result of completing the Escape Room.

Each room comes with a variety of resources to ensure minimal effort on the part of the teacher, but high impact, active learning for their children within a cooperative activity.

Upon download, each Escape Room includes the following resources:

  • Introductory script which explains the impending disaster to the Earth if the children fail in their mission within the Escape Room
  • Full Instruction Booklet
  • Teacher Answer Booklet
  • Pupil Code Key Booklet (to record their answers)
  • Resource Booklet which includes all the resources needed to successfully stage the Escape room.

Each of the activities can be seen below with examples of the challenges, the Code Keys to collect and the resources provided with each download.

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