Ancient Mesopotamia Test
- Contributor:
- Project Education
- Grade Level:
- 6-12
- Product Type:
- Assessment, Test
- File Type:
- Doc, PDF
- Pages:
- 5
- Answer Key:
- Included
This comprehensive test includes a multiple choice section, matching section, true/false section, short answer section, and an extended response section. This test over Ancient Mesopotamia is a good assessment to use for a course over ancient history in many grade levels.
The material covered in the test includes the ancient societies of Mesopotamia or "The Fertile Crescent" located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Content includes:
Sumerian Society
Akkadian Society
Babylonian Society
Assyrian Society
The test includes 30 total questions and an answer key is also included.
This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of this test.