
Basketball Shooting Cue Posters | English and Spanish

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  • Basketball Shooting Cue Posters | English and Spanish
  • Basketball Shooting Cue Posters | English and Spanish
  • Basketball Shooting Cue Posters | English and Spanish
  • Basketball Shooting Cue Posters | English and Spanish


  Basketball Shooting Cue Posters | English and Spanish

Basketball Shooting Cue Posters | English and Spanish

Get your students on the right track with these fun and educational Elementary Basketball Shooting Cue Posters! Perfect for bilingual classrooms, these posters feature clear and simple dribbling cues in both English and Spanish. Designed to help young athletes master the fundamentals of basketball dribbling, each poster provides visual reminders of key techniques. Ideal for gym or classroom walls, these posters will keep your students engaged and motivated while learning essential skills. Great for diverse classrooms and athletic environments and excellent visual reminders for all students!


  • A PDF in color and black & white

- 8 color posters in English

- 8 black & white posters in English

- 7 color posters in Spanish

- 7 black & white posters in Spanish

Terms of Use

This resource was created by Morgan Hernandez Health and PE. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may use this product through Google classroom, other LMS, or over the Internet to their students as long as the site is password protected. If you would like to share this resource with your colleagues, please purchase additional licenses. Thank you for respecting the terms of use.

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