I noticed that many people on social media kept talking about their struggles with fluency and comprehension. I have a routine that I really love, and I kept typing, with so many horrible autocorrect errors, what I was doing. I knew I wanted to share it through an affordable product. This is what I do, and I'm proud of the progress my kids continue to make as I use this routine. We have rich discussions about phonics and comprehension. Our repeated reading of the same text builds their fluency, just as research suggests. Please try this out, and I hope you grow to enjoy this routine as much as I have. This product includes:
-teacher's guide
-a cover page
Use this to create a Fluency, Phonics, Comprehension Folder for each child.
-weekly routine
This goes over step by step how to follow the routine for you, a reading proficient student led group, para, or substitute
-word clues
Use this student poster to help students become confident is sounding out any word.
-Syllable Type Practice Poster
This poster has QR codes linking to videos that will teach about every syllable type (an important prerequisite skill for using the step that the word clues poster is for).
-10 passages and 10 question sets
These passages are a mix of fiction and non-fiction. In addition to the passage, there's a space for word work and the main idea or theme of the passage.
These are fun, ready to go, NON-WORKSHEET resources.
This product supports Common Core Standards (CCSS):
• Find me on my YouTube channel – Whimsical Teacher Tube, Instagram, or Facebook.
This is a Whimsical Teacher Tube Teacher Store Product
All rights are reserved by, me, Kim Grove, the author.
You have permission to copy or digitize this for single classroom use only.
If you use it for public display, please make sure it is for promotional purposes ONLY.
Please, please, please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
1 Review
Current comprehension concepts
I really enjoy how the texts rhat the students are reading is current and engaging for children their age. My students always need more main idea practice and this will be perfect!