Dan Nguyen
19th Amendment - "Women's Right to Vote" - Enhanced DBQ - Close Read (PDF)
$1.50Just in time for Election Day, a detailed look at the growth of voting right in the U.S.!In studying this Amendment, your students will learn the history behind voting rights being expanded over...$1.50 -
African Trade Empires Travel Brochure Activity
$3.50In this lesson, students will read about the 3 great trade empires of West Africa - the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Empires. They then create a travel brochure about each Empire. Students first read a...$3.50 -
Age of Absolutism and King Louis XIV Lesson
$3.50This lesson plan covers the rise of Absolutism and the methods that King Louis XIV of France used to centralize power. The lesson begins with a very short powerpoint to set up Absolutism. The first...$3.50 -
Age of Exploration Storybook Activity
$3.50This lesson, created by Dan Nguyen, covers the Age of Exploration. Students will read a 3 page article over the Motivations for Exploration, How Portugal Begins Exploration, and the Discovery of the...$3.50 -
Ancient Greece: Athens vs Sparta Debate (Philosophical Chairs) Activity
$3.50In this lesson, students read about the Ancient Greek City-States of Athens and Sparta. For each city-state, students are given a 1 and a half page article that discusses: 1. Culture 2. Government...$3.50 -
Ancient Rome: Storybook and Poster Activities
$4.50This package includes 2 lessons that cover the Origins of Ancient Rome and How the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire. For the first lesson, students read a 3 page article over the origins of...$4.50 -
Capitalism vs Communism vs Socialism Debate Activity
$3.99This lesson plan has students compare and debate the characteristics of different economic systems. Students will look at how Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism differ from one another in the...$3.99 -
Cold War Debate Activity
$3.50This lesson plan has the students take on the role of either the United States or the Soviet Union during the Cold War. A brief powerpoint sets up the lesson and gives instructions. Then students...$3.50 -
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Newspaper Activity
$3.50In this lesson, students learn about the various factors and theories that help explain why the Roman Empire declined and fell. A brief powerpoint sets the lesson up and gives students their...$3.50 -
European Wars of Religion Lesson
$3.50This lesson plan covers the French Wars of Religion, the Anglo-Spanish Wars, and the Thirty Years' War. Students read a 3 page article about the wars and use it to complete a 2 page chart. For each...$3.50 -
Fall of Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Comparison Lesson
$3.00The purpose of this lesson is to have students compare and contrast the fall of the Roman Empire with the fall of the Han Dynasty in China. Students will be given a worksheet that discusses several...$3.00 -
Federalism Lesson: Investigate Supreme Court Cases between State and National Power
$3.50This lesson plan explores historical and contemporary Supreme Court Cases that deal with conflicts between National and State powers. Students will analyze the following court cases: 1. McCullough...$3.50