Design Your Own Political Party Project
- Contributor:
- Big Apple Social Studies
- Grade Level:
- 6-12; Higher Education
- Product Type:
- Project-Based Group Activity
- File Type:
- PDF w/ Editable Google Drive Link
- Pages:
- 10
- Answer Key:
- N/A - Rubric - Yes
Design Your Own Political Party
Get your students thinking about political parties, voting, and government with this Design a Political Party project. This project is ready for immediate implementation in the classroom, or can be edited through the accessible Google Drive link obtained on the teacher instruction sheet. In groups of 3-5, students will be challenged to create their own political party through the development of a party platform, press release, candidate speech, party slogan and party logo. Challenge the students to get creative and use this as a starting point for their projects. Many of my students in the past have developed campaign commercials and even dressed the part! This is also a great way to show off student work in the classroom with the addition of the party logos.
This project has many moving parts and should be completed in class to give students the best opportunity to collaborate with their group members. Pass out the packet to each student and review the requirements of the project prior to assigning groups. Each job in the development of the project has specific roles which provide students the choice to work on a segment of the project that sparks their interest (e.g. constructing the logo, writing the speech, etc.)
New to the update! Debate questions, Google Form designed for class election of candidates after the debate, and Google Forms designed for an impeachment simulation. Editable version of the project available and provided after purchase.
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