
5th - 8th Grade US History Prior to 1877

5th - 8th Grade US History Prior to 1877

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  • The Constitution The Constitution

    The Constitution

    Need a guide to the Constitution? Then this resource is PERFECT!   The PowerPoint introduces the principles behind and structure of the Constitution. Students will learn about the meaning and origins of federalism, separation of powers,...
  • The Branches of Government The Branches of Government

    The Branches of Government

    This PowerPoint is an excellent means of introducing the ideas of both separation of power and checks and balances. The presentation begins with an explanation of the powers of each branch of the federal government. The second part of the presentation...
  • The Federalist Papers The Federalist Papers

    The Federalist Papers

    This PowerPoint leads students through an introduction to The Federalist Papers, emphasizing what are widely-considered to be the three most prominent articles: Federalist 10, 51, and 78. The presentation also includes an overview of the...
  • The Legislative Branch The Legislative Branch

    The Legislative Branch

    This PowerPoint is an excellent means of introducing the Legislative Branch of the national government to students!   Beginning with the requirements for serving in the House and Senate, the PowerPoint guides students through an...
  • Mini-Unit: Jacksonian Democracy Mini-Unit: Jacksonian Democracy

    Mini-Unit: Jacksonian Democracy

    MSRP: $8.75
    This mini- focuses on the emergence of Jacksonian democracy, a 19th-century political philosophy in the United States that championed greater democracy for the "common man." The PowerPoint begins with a discussion of how Jackson's personality and...
    MSRP: $8.75
  • Mini-Unit: Andrew Jackson and the Bank Mini-Unit: Andrew Jackson and the Bank

    Mini-Unit: Andrew Jackson and the Bank

    MSRP: $10.25
    This mini-unit leads students through Andrew Jackson's war against the Second Bank of the United States.   The PowerPoint emphasizes Jackson's role in vetoing the bank charter prior to the presidential election of 1832 and the resulting collapse...
    MSRP: $10.25
  • Influences on American Government Influences on American Government

    Influences on American Government

    This PowerPoint traces the origins of American government to three influential documents: the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the Mayflower Compact. The goal is to identify common themes between these three documents and the Constitution. ...