Cold War and Decolonization
The Vietnam War Timeline Map Image Analysis Stations Activity
$4.00Students will review 22 events and locations from the Vietnam War with this timeline stations and map activity. They will first put together one timeline with 11 events and write academic identifications. They will then match 11 other events to their...$4.00 -
The Korean War Mini Projects
$3.50Students will review what they learned about the people, events, battles, politics, causes, effects, turning points, and more from the Korean War by making trading cards, a cube, or both. Each option balances academic requirements with personal choice...$3.50 -
The Decolonization of Africa Mini Projects
$3.50Students will learn about, or review, the events and people from the decolonization of Africa (African independence movements) by making trading cards, a cube (2 options included), or both. Each option balances academic requirements with personal choice...$3.50 -
The Decolonization of Africa True False Fix Review Game
$1.50Students will review the people, events, challenges, and successes of the independence movements in Africa during the Cold War (African independence, African decolonization) by reading 66 statements and determining which are true and which are false...$1.50 -
On Sale
World History Primary Source Image Activity BUNDLE
Now: $25.00Was: $33.00Students will review key people and events from World History by matching 20 historical images to a caption or dialogue exchange for each of the following topics: the Tudors, Exploration, Revolutionary War, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution,...Now: $25.00Was: $33.00 -
The Cold War Primary Source Image Activity
$3.00Students will review key people and events from the Cold War by matching 20 historical pictures to a caption or dialogue exchange. This includes a teacher information page which explains the activity in its entirety. This is best done as a gallery walk,...$3.00 -
Vietnam War Quote Analysis
$3.75Students will read 12 quotes from different points of view on the Vietnam War (they span Eisenhower through Nixon and include politicians, American soldiers, and a Vietnamese civilian), answer 20 questions, and complete up to 4 creative tasks. The...$3.75 -
Israel and Palestine Mini Lesson
$4.50This mini lesson introduces your students to the background of the conflict between Israel and Palestine and provides an overview of the continued reasons for conflict today. It includes a simplified 12 slide power point (to fit in one class period), a...$4.50 -
Containment Mini Lesson
$4.00Students will learn about the policy of containment during the Cold War with this 11 slide overview, discussion questions, and built in activities. It also includes primary source excerpts from George Kennan's containment policy with 12 questions/tasks...$4.00 -
Vietnam War True False Fix
$1.50Students will play true, false, fix to review key events, people, policies, and more from the Vietnam War. They will read 42 statements and determine which are true and which are false. They will then complete 3 other tasks with the material. This is...$1.50 -
India Seeks Independence True False Fix
$1.50Students will play true, false, fix to review the events and people related to Gandhi and India's path towards independence, as well as a bit about Jinnah and the partition of India by reading 40 statements and determining which are true and which are...$1.50 -
The Cold War True False Fix
$1.50Students will play true, false, fix to review a sampling of events and people related to the Cold War War by reading 33 statements and determining which are true and which are false. They will then complete 3 other tasks with the material. This is best...$1.50