DISTANCE LEARNING- Biology Year Bundle | Cells Genetics Evolution Ecology Classification
- Contributor:
- The Teacher Time Saver
- Grade Level:
- 5-10
- Product Type:
- Google Slides, PDF
- Pages:
- +300
- Answer Key:
- Yes
FREE canvas tote bag with purchase of this year bundle, while supplies last!! After purchasing this bundle, simply email me the following information at theteachertimesaver@gmail.com:
- First and Last name
- your Order #
- mailing address
This product includes all of my BIOLOGY DISTANCE LEARNING BUNDLES! Everything you could possibly need or want is included in this bundle for an affordable, low price. Edit my Cornell notes, warm-ups, tests and quizzes, and Presentation with my PowerPoint version, which contains the content but no clip art. My PDF version is ALSO included with fun font and colorful clip art. Notebook set-up, teacher support, suggestions, and pacing guides are all included! This complete biology curriculum for science is a digital and printable product (8.5 X 11 inch paper). Students will type directly onto Google Slides by typing in the labeled section saving you print time and paper! Edit my Cornell notes, warm-ups, tests and quizzes, and Presentation with my PowerPoint version, which contains the content but no clip art. My PDF version is included with fun font and colorful clip art. Everything you could possibly need or want is included in this bundle and is ready to link or print and then go!
Visit The Teacher Time Saver for more great resources.
- 10 Warm-ups
- Famous Scientist Wanted Project
- Lesson- Lab Materials and Measurement
- Lesson- Metric Measurements
- Lesson- Scientific Method
- Lesson- Controlled Experiment
- Lesson- Lab Safety & Procedures
- Scientific Method Cartoon Project
- Assessments- Test and Quiz with answer keys
- Editable Cornell notes and PowerPoint Presentation
- Graphic Organizer Review Activity
- 10 Warm-ups
- Lesson- Levels of Organizations
- Lesson- Cell Organelles
- Lesson- Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells
- Lesson- Mitosis
- Lesson- Meiosis
- 10 Warm-ups with answer key
- Project: "Wanted" Bacteria Research Project
- Editable Test and Quiz with reflection activity (Socrative Code Provided!)
- Editable Cornell notes and Presentations
- Vocabulary Bingo Review Activity
- Assessment Reflections
- Lesson- Heredity
- Lesson- Genetics & DNA
- Lesson- Punnett Squares
- Lesson- Pedigree
- 8 Warm-ups with answer key
- Project- Family Pedigree
- Editable Test with reflection activity (Socrative Code Provided!)
- Editable Cornell notes and Presentations
- Vocabulary Bingo Review Activity
- Assessment Reflections
- Graphic Organizer Review Activity
- Lesson- Natural Selection
- Lesson- Darwin vs. Lamarck
- Lesson- Geologic Time Scale
- Lesson- Human Evolution
- 8 Warm-ups with answer key
- Lab Simulation- Survival of the Fittest
- Project- Natural Selection Cartoon
- Project- Evolution Review
- Editable Test with reflection activity (Socrative Code Provided!)
- Editable Cornell notes and Presentations
- Vocabulary Bingo Review Activity
- Assessment Reflections
- Graphic Organizer Review Activity
- Lesson- Levels of Organization
- Lesson- Carrying Capacity and Symbiosis
- Lesson- Food Webs and Food Chains
- Lesson- Biomes
- 8 Warm-ups with answer key
- Project- Trivia Board Game
- Editable Test with reflection activity (Socrative Code Provided!)
- Editable Cornell notes and Presentations
- Vocabulary Bingo Review Activity
- Assessment Reflections
- Graphic Organizer Review Activity
- Lesson- Classification
- Lesson- Kingdoms of Life
- Lesson- Dichotomous Key
- Lesson- Cladogram
- 8 Warm-ups with answer key
- Project- Classification e-Booklet
- Editable Test with reflection activity (Socrative Code Provided!)
- Editable Cornell notes and Presentations
- Vocabulary Bingo Review Activity
- Assessment Reflections
- Graphic Organizer Review Activity
PRODUCT DETAILED FURTHER (all assignments are accessed via Google Slides):
- TEACHER GUIDE/SUPPORT: Strategies and tips to help grade, organize, and use the interactive notebook with fidelity and confidence.
- EDITABLE STUDENT NOTEBOOK SET-UP: Table of contents, score sheet, and notebook rubric. There is a filled-out table of contents and score sheet to help organize and pace teacher. Score sheet helps students keep track of their grades! Teachers will have stream-line grading too.
- EDITABLE UNIT COVER: Provides standards and benchmarks, a word bank with all vocabulary words, and pictures related to unit.
- EDITABLE ANTICIPATION GUIDE/WARM-UPS: Ten true and false statements to identify what students know, what they think they know, and what they will learn. A presentation follows along printable lesson. An answer key is provided.
- EDITABLE GUIDED CORNELL NOTES: Notes are completed by following along with a presentation. A quiz is built into the presentation.
- ACTIVITY: An activity follows the Cornell note in order to support and reinforce students' understanding in a creative, challenging way (no boring worksheets)!
- EDITABLE SLIDE PRESENTATION: Presentation guides direct instruction as students follow along and complete their Cornell notes.
- SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS (labs/projects): All special assignments come with directions and rubrics. Templates for some special assignments are included.
- EDITABLE TEST AND QUIZZES: One test and quiz are included with answer keys. A reflection activity follows allowing students to summarize their learning.
- STUDENT/TEACHER EVALUATION SHEET: Students keep track of their progress using a simple-to-use evaluation sheet.
- Make sure to extract file in order to open the zipped file.
- Purchase license to share if more than one teacher will be using this product. Keep in mind this product took time to create with the teacher and student in mind. Read and abide by the terms of use.
- To view the presentation, open the PDF, click on “View” and then on “Full Screen Mode.” The PDF version of the presentation includes clip art, attractive font, and more (not editable)!
- This product is not 100% editable, except the assessments, notebook set-up, Cornell notes, and presentation. The editable versions contain the same content, but do not include clip art as these items must be copyright protected.
- This product is paperless, but can also be printed to offer student accommodations.
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Terms of Use:
Copyright © The Teacher Time Saver. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original down-loader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clip art and parts included in the PDFs are copyrighted and cannot be taken and used outside this download without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.