Easy Multiplication Review for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
- Contributor:
- Whimsical Teacher Tube Teacher Store
- Total Pages:
- 11
- Answer Key:
- Included
- Teaching Duration:
- Lifelong Tool
- File Type:
These simple to use, entertaining, sea creature themed multiplication practice activities are classroom tested, and wonderful for 3rd, 4th, or, 5th grade. These fact fluency activities are great for practice at the beginning of a lesson whole group, as a math center, or in a small group. The QR codes for these custom created YouTube videos titled: Multiplication Facts Practice: Reviewing Multiples of 3, Multiplication Facts Practice: Reviewing Multiples of 4, Multiplication Facts Practice, Reviewing Multiples of 6, Multiplication Facts Practice: Reviewing Multiples of 7, Multiplication Facts Practice: Reviewing Multiples of 8, and Multiplication Facts Practice: Reviewing Multiples of 9 are right there on the pages of each activity. These will be fun and helpful for your kids. Each page goes with the theme of the video. Your kids won't want to stop multiplying! The answer keys are embedded right there in the videos.
This activity includes:
-a teachers guide
This teacher's guide includes ideas for how to use this with your whole class and with individuals/ small groups.
- 6 themed pages
Each page has clear instructions, a QR code for your kids to scan to get to the correct video for that multiple, multiples for that number listed as a scaffolding technique, a space for each product as they record their practice, and a place to self assess
-a teacher's guide explaining ways you could use it
-bonus narwhal themed page
-bonus QR code page with all of the QR codes in one place
This bonus will allow your students to go back and review any multiple they need extra practice on after they've done their self reflection.
These are fun, ready to go, NON-WORKSHEET resources.
*No multiplication problems are printed in this resource. These activities work in conjunction with the YouTube videos created to support this specific resource.
This product supports Common Core Standards (CCSS):
• Find me on my YouTube channel – Whimsical Teacher Tube, Twitter, or Facebook.
This is a Whimsical Teacher Tube Teacher Store Product
All rights are reserved by, me, Kim Grove, the author.
You have permission to copy or digitize this for single classroom use only.
If you use it for public display, please make sure it is for promotional purposes ONLY.
Please, please, please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.