Electrical Circuits - 13 Labelled Component Posters for classroom display
- Contributor:
- INSPIReducation
- Grade Level:
- 3, 4, 5
- Product Type:
- Posters
- File Type:
- Zip, PDF
- Pages:
- 13
- Answer Key:
- N/A
We have produced 13 labelled, electrical circuit component posters to display in the classroom and support students learn the visual representation and name of each component. Each poster is A4 in size, but can be enlarged or reduced depending on teacher need through copying bigger or smaller.
The visual components included are ideal for 4th - 6th grade when learning about electrical circuits, creating their own and investigating components, their roles and how they can be used in circuits. The 13 posters include:
- ammeter
- motor
- lamp (on and off) (2 posters)
- closed and open switch (2 posters)
- resistor
- cell and battery (2 posters)
- wire
- voltmeter
- bell
- buzzer
Each poster is clearly presented, and in black and white, making the images sharp, and also more cost effective for the teacher to print copies.
Simply purchase, download, print and display!
These posters supported our students in their Electrical Circuit diagram work once they had made a range of working circuits.
We hope that you find them useful in your classrooms too.
Best wishes