A compendium of six different, enjoyable and challenging games on forces, suitable for all abilities. Each game is fully resourced, comes with full instructions and is easy to run. The topics covered are:
Force – definition, units and measurement;
Weight and mass;
Air resistance;
Balanced and unbalanced forces.
Games Included:
- Find the Pair - Force, Weight and Mass;
- Find the Pair – Friction and Air Resistance;
- Smart Board Bingo;
- Forces Board Game;
- Force, weight and mass Dominoes
- Friction and Air Resistance Dominoes.
This versatile pack can be used to reinforce each section of the current electricity module as it is taught or for revision. Many of the games could be used for cover lessons, even when taken by a non-specialist as they come with a hard-copy or PowerPoint of the answers. It is also the ideal end of term/year pack.
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