Genghis Khan Interview Review Activity
- Pages:
- 5
Students complete a 3 part interview to review Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Empire. They first answer 6 questions to review factual parts of Genghis's time in power, then they interview him in 1206, and in the third part students conduct his last interview while he is on his deathbed (both 5 questions and answers). There is a bonus creative opportunity as a final task. An answer key is included where appropriate. This would work for a sub.
Sample questions include:
--Why did Genghis value a society based on merit rather than an aristocratic, or by birth, society?
--Summarize the impact of Genghis Khan’s death on the Mongolian Empire. How was it treated by his successors? Could, or should, Genghis have done anything differently in his life to have had his empire pan out differently after his death? You should consider his legacy from multiple points of view: Mongol, Chinese, Iran, etc.
--What do you think will be your biggest challenge in achieving your goals?
--Which of your accomplishments would you like memorialized on an coin to be distributed throughout your empire and why?\
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