
Geography: The 15 Most Influential People in European History

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Geography & Math Made Easy
Grade Level:
5th-12th Grade
Product Type:
Lesson Plans (Individual), Research, Cooperative Learning
Time Frame:
Two 60-Minutes Class Periods
  • Geography: The 15 Most Influential People in European History
  • Geography: The 15 Most Influential People in European History
  • Geography: The 15 Most Influential People in European History
  • Geography: The 15 Most Influential People in European History
  • Geography: The 15 Most Influential People in European History


Check out Geography & Math Made Easy for more resources.

o Students will become familiar with influential people in European history.
o Students will explore the cause and effects of the identified individuals on Europe.
o Students will, as a group, present their findings to the class on each individual assigned character.
o Students will evaluate and determine which 15 characters were the most influential in European history.

o Character cards, scissors, and laminate.
o 5 Influential Individuals of Europe Activity Sheet
o Classroom board and painting tape
o Document camera/projector
o Human European Bingo Game
o Bingo pieces.

o Laminate and cut out the character cards so they can be used again, from one year to the next. This will also avoid the cards getting torn when placed on the board at the end of the lesson during the presentations.
o Reproduce the 5 Influential Individuals of Europe, one per student.
o On the board create two columns: Highly Influential and the other Influential.

Play Human European Bingo. Give each student a bingo card. Allow students 10 minutes to move around the room gathering names of people who are somehow related to Europe, present or past from their classmates. Once their sheet is filled with one name per box, the student will return to his/her seat. Begin with the nearest person and allow him or her to name an individual. Anyone in the room who has that name can place a dauber/coin on that square. The game is played until someone calls European Bingo! If time allows, you may play again. This game will get student warmed up and thinking about those individuals who influenced Europe. If students seem, unknowledgeable and unfamiliar with the topic, allow them to access resources—books, Internet, etc.— during the game.

Place the character cards in a bag. Pass the bag around the room, allowing each group to choose five cards from the bag. Students will work in groups to find out as much as they can about the influences each individual had/has on Europe. Students will fill in the 5 Influential Individuals of Europe Activity Sheet.

CLOSURE / EVALUATION: (20 minutes)
Have students present their findings. Set up the document camera/projector. Students will place their character card on the camera/projector so the audience can have a visual of the individual they are talking about.

Students will, within their groups, present their findings. On the board there will be two columns: Highly Influential and Influential. Once students have presented their findings and opinions, they will place the card on the board, using painter’s tape (comes off more easily), under one of the columns; Highly influential or Influential.

The class will work together to determine which names listed under the 15 Most Influential will remain. These are the individuals they will be tested on.
This will allow students to have choices within their studies gives students autonomy of their learning.
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