
Grades 2-4

Grades 2-4

  • Build A Pizza Clipart Set Download Build A Pizza Clipart Set Download

    Build A Pizza Clipart Set Download

    Build A Pizza Clipart Set Download contains 66 files in total (37 files in color / 29 files in black and white) Pizza themed graphics include: pepperoni, salami, cheese, pizza crust, pizza dough, red green and yellow bell peppers, mushrooms, bacon...
  • Food pyramid clipart files in color Food pyramid clipart files in black and white

    Kid's Food Pyramid Clipart Set

    Food Pyramid Clipart set containing 70 files (35 in color / 35 in black and white) Graphics included in the set - - 2 Pyramid Styles- 1 Wheel Graph- Glass of Water- 4 Sugars, Fats and Oils- 4 Dairy Graphics- 7 Proteins- 4 Fruits- 7 Vegetables- 5...
  • Vocabulary Study 3 (2nd g. L 21-30) Vocabulary Study 3 (2nd g. L 21-30)

    Vocabulary Study 3 (2nd g. L 21-30)

    MSRP: $6.00
    This is an interactive vocabulary word study that is based on Journeys vocabulary words, L 21-30. The students take each lesson's words and indicate if they know the word, they mark the type of speech the words are. They will either write the meaning of...
    MSRP: $6.00
  • Vocabulary Study 2 (2nd g. L 11-20) Vocabulary Study 2 (2nd g. L 11-20)

    Vocabulary Study 2 (2nd g. L 11-20)

    MSRP: $6.00
    This is an interactive vocabulary word study that is based on Journeys vocabulary words, L 11-20. The students take each lesson's words and indicate if they know the word, they mark the type of speech the words are. They will either write the meaning of...
    MSRP: $6.00
  • Vocabulary Study 1 (2nd g. L 1-10) Vocabulary Study 1 (2nd g. L 1-10)

    Vocabulary Study 1 (2nd g. L 1-10)

    MSRP: $6.00
    This is an interactive vocabulary word study that is based on Journeys vocabulary words. The students take each lesson's words and indicate if they know the word, they mark the type of speech the words are. They will either write the meaning of the word...
    MSRP: $6.00
  • Number Order Scoot Bundle Number Order Scoot Bundle

    Number Order Scoot Bundle

    This product is ideal for teaching and reviewing number order from tens, to hundreds, to thousands, to ten thousands, and finally hundred thousands.  This product includes: 20 number order task cards for tens, hundreds, thousands, ten...
  • Number Order Scoot - 100,000's Number Order Scoot - 100,000's

    Number Order Scoot - 100,000's

    This product is ideal for teaching and reviewing number order - 6 digit numbers (hundred thousands).  This product includes: 20 number order task cards to place around your classroom - your students will "scoot" around the room to answer the...
  • Number Order Scoot - 10,000's Number Order Scoot - 10,000's

    Number Order Scoot - 10,000's

    This product is ideal for teaching and reviewing number order - 5 digit numbers (ten thousands).  This product includes: 20 number order task cards to place around your classroom - your students will "scoot" around the room to answer the...
  • Number Order Scoot - 1,000's Number Order Scoot - 1,000's

    Number Order Scoot - 1,000's

    This product is ideal for teaching and reviewing number order - 4 digit numbers (thousands).  This product includes: 20 number order task cards to place around your classroom - your students will "scoot" around the room to answer the task...
  • Number Order Scoot - 100's Number Order Scoot - 100's

    Number Order Scoot - 100's

    This product is ideal for teaching and reviewing number order - 3 digit numbers (hundreds).  This product includes: 20 number order task cards to place around your classroom - your students will "scoot" around the room to answer the task...
  • Number Order Scoot - 10's Number Order Scoot - 10's

    Number Order Scoot - 10's

    This product is ideal for teaching and reviewing number order - 2 digit numbers to 100.  This product includes: 20 number order task cards to place around your classroom - your students will "scoot" around the room to answer the task cards...
  • A Broadcaster's Secrets to Teaching Chapter 1 Preview

    A Broadcaster's Secrets to Teaching

    MSRP: $6.99
    EXCLUSIVE PRICING for Amped Up Learning friends and shoppers! Save money and learn my Broadcaster's Secrets for Teaching and developing classroom relations that make an impact!  Would your classroom turn the channel if they had the choice? Develop...
    MSRP: $6.99