
IEP Goal Tracking System

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  • An example straight from my tracking form!
  • IEP Goal Tracking System


This tracking system was developed by my department! 

1. Put each student's information onto the tracking form including: IEP date, Baseline, and goal. 

2. Subtract the baseline from the goal and divide by 4 to determine where students should be at each quarter of their IEP. This helps determine if they are on track.

3. Take the IEP date and use an online date/time calculator.  The best way I found is to go by 10 week increments.  *Hint: if the weeks fall into the summer you avoid those. So if 6 of the 10 weeks falls before the end of school, then figure out what 4 weeks would be into the next school year.

4. Create progress monitoring sheets for each kid and color code them by the quarter of the IEP they are in.

See Inclusion Revolution for more resources!

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