Playing Games Boosts Student’s Productivity

Playing Games Boosts Student’s Productivity

The education field has dramatically changed in the last century. For example, back in the early 1900s, teachers would merely stand in front of the class to give instructions, review her lesson for the day, then send the pupils home. Back during those times, there weren't any video games or other technological advancements to distract children. True, instruction is part of the curriculum to this day, but we live in a different time; most students' attention span is short, there are too many distractions. If the teacher talks for too long, the pupil's mind will wander off, and that's one-way behavior issues occur in the classroom. To break up the lecture, most teachers use games to reinforce key points learned in class. Read on to learn how playing games in the classroom strengthen learning.


Playing games increases students' motivation. Some students are self-motivated, meaning they are natural lovers of learners. For others, it takes time to develop the motivation quality, so playing games can strengthen their desire to reach their fullest potential. If a student is naturally unmotivated, do not give up! It may take him some time to develop this quality.

Balances Competitiveness and Teamwork

Playing games not only encourages students to learn, but it also promotes healthy competitions. Students learn to be a team player and help each other out. Teamwork teaches students to learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. Motivation, competitiveness, and collaboration are all interconnected with each other. Maybe at first, the student is disinterested in playing a game that reviews information that will be on an upcoming test. As he sees how easy it is to play the game, and his teammates are scoring points, he may then become motivated to participate. As his team is winning, he develops a healthy competition against the opposing team to score the most points. The balanced competitiveness encourages him to be a team player to score more points.

Reduce Stress

Just because you're initiating an educational-based game doesn't mean it has to be boring. Games should be fun and easy to play so students can feel successful and provides a relaxing feeling. Research has shown that playing a game can re-stabilize the brain, which in turn refreshes focus, and results in overall productivity.

Improved Memory

Playing content specific games could help improve the student's memory. They have to remember details of a topic, and depend on their mind to recall information, and act quickly. Starting with grade school, teachers use games to help students learn vocabulary words, important dates, and events in history, etc.

Teachers can use game-playing in the classroom as an outlet to relieve stress and motivate students to learn. The games should be educational yet fun and easy to understand. If you have too many rules, the students will become disinterested and distracted doing their own thing. The pupils will also improve their memory in recalling facts. Another purpose of game-playing is to build students' confidence to reach his fullest potential.

Apr 18th 2019

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