
Immigration and Nativism in the 1920s Overview and Image Analysis

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  • Immigration and Nativism in the 1920s Overview and Image Analysis
  • Immigration and Nativism in the 1920s Overview and Image Analysis
  • Immigration and Nativism in the 1920s Overview and Image Analysis


Students will read and analyze an overview of nativism in the Roaring 20s, the Immigration Act of 1917, the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, and the Immigration Act of 1924 by answering 6 questions. They will then analyze 14 political cartoons according to 5 prompts, complete an additional task, and answer 5 more analysis questions. Lastly, they will read 4 primary source excerpts and explain whether each supports or opposes immigration restrictions and why. 

 This would be great for a sub and the answers are included where appropriate! 

Sample questions and image analysis prompts include:
--Identify 4 countries included in the Asiatic Barred Zone from the Immigration Act of 1917.
--Why might immigration acts have changed so frequently during this time period?
--Two images are about the Chinese Exclusion Act. Discuss how they still reflect nativism from the 1920s.
--Inferring from prior knowledge and the images provided in this packet, from the 1850s—1924, was America more of a melting pot or a salad bowl and why?

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