
Interactive "First Aid/Emergency" Activities and Instructions

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Health is Elementary
Grade Level:
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First Aid Scenarios
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Answer Key:
  • Interactive "First Aid/Emergency" Activities and Instructions
  • Interactive "First Aid/Emergency" Activities and Instructions
  • Interactive "First Aid/Emergency" Activities and Instructions
  • Interactive "First Aid/Emergency" Activities and Instructions


This interactive lesson plan focuses on teaching students how to administer first aid, use a first aid kit, and how to call 911 in case of an emergency. Several activities are presented in the lesson; with the teacher using their discretion as to age appropriate, and whether the activity can be done in the confines of the classroom. Clip art, printables, no prep needed. Answer key
*Please note that this lesson plan can be divided up into several different small lesson and activities, using the different first aid/emergency scenarios
Included in the lesson is:
First Aid Golden Rules
Calling 911- how and when to use 911
Using a first aid kit
How to treat a burn
Controlling bleeding
Broken bones
Stop-Drop and Roll
CPR - explaining to students that only a certified individual should be administering CPR
Activities included are:
"Emergency Role Play Script,"
"Practicing Stop-Drop and Roll in the classroom,"
"Learning how to control bleeding activity,"
"Learning the contents of a First Aid Kit in the classroom-along with a homework assignment. List of all that is included in a first aid kit included in lesson,"
"Treating a pretend burn in classroom with other students," "Controlling bleeding Activity"- students learn how to press gauze on a wound and apply pressure," "Emergency contact list activity"- students are asked to fill out a contact list form, "Coping in an emergency scenario and assessment," with answer key
Store: Health is Elementary

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