
5th - 8th Grade Content

5th - 8th Grade Content

We feel your pain.

We know it's difficult sometimes on our schedules to come up with new engaging lessons. 

Use Code THANKS10 to take 10% off your purchase. 

We at Amped Up Learning want to remain authentic by offering products designed, written and used by real teachers. We're teaming up with excellent teachers around the country to offer awesome downloadable products in the new Lesson Marketplace of Amped Up. Easy-to-use, effective activities that are standards-aligned, engaging, cooperative, challenging and involve critical thinking. And best of all, you don't have to do anything (except make some copies!).

Yes we take Purchase Orders in our lesson marketplace.  Send us the PO and we will send you the lessons.

More and more products are being added daily, so check back often.

  • Making a Game Making a Game

    Making a Game

    Have you ever wanted your students to create their own games, but you didn’t know where to start? This product leads you step-by-step through the game making process. In the end, your students will create games they can have fun with and be proud...
  • The Christmas Rush The Christmas Rush

    The Christmas Rush

    The Christmas Rush is a hilarious one-act play that is suitable for classroom or as a performance for a large audience. In this drama, many last-minute shoppers hit their frustration point as they wait in a checkout line at a store. The play gets funnier...
  • Math Problems? No Problem! (Set 1) Math Problems? No Problem! (Set 1)

    Math Problems? No Problem! (Set 1)

    Math Problems? No Problem! includes 10 sheets of carefully chosen problems to help students become more familiar with and comfortable in using a variety of problem-solving strategies in a highly engaging format. Many problems can be solved in a variety...
  • Holes: Escape Room Holes: Escape Room

    Holes: Escape Room

    Holes: Escape Room is an excellent addition to any study of this novel. Everything is ready to photocopy and use. This product includes four stages. Stage 1: Students will fill in the answers to clues by selecting the correct syllables from a list...
  • Holes - Novel Study Holes - Novel Study

    Holes - Novel Study

    Holes is a complete novel study that’s ready to go with no preparation from the teacher. This book is a great fit for middle school language arts. It aligns with many of the common core state standards. The activities included engage the students...
  • American Civil War Choice Activity American Civil War Choice Activity

    American Civil War Choice Activity

    This activity is a great resource to use for distance learning and in the classroom. It provides students with three opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of the American Civil War. This differentiated product is designed to reach students of...