Mardi Gras Converting Fractions Decimals Percents Activity
$1.50Students will practice converting between fractions, decimals, and percents with this no prep printable activity! Students will find the equivalent fraction, decimal, and percent to complete each row...$1.50 -
Mardi Gras Coordinate Plan Graphing Puzzle
$1.50Mardi Gras themed coordinate plan plotting activity. This no-prep, ready to print activity will help your students learn graphing points in all four quadrants. Answer key is included for your...$1.50 -
Mardi Gras Rational Equations Hidden Message
$1.50Let your eighth-grade students practice while having fun with this engaging no-prep, Mardi Gras-themed, printable activity. Your students will solve ten rational equations while they look for the...$1.50 -
Mardi Gras Solving Multi Step Equations Pixel Art Activity
$3.00Let your students practice while having fun with this engaging no-prep, Mardi Gras-themed, and self-checking multi-step equations activity. Students will solve 20 equations using Google Sheets. I...$3.00 -
Mardi Gras Solving One Step Equations Pixel Art Activity
$3.00Let your students practice while having fun with this engaging no-prep, Mardi Gras-themed, and self-checking one-step equations activity. Students will solve 20 equations using Google Sheets. I used...$3.00 -
Mardi Gras Solving Two Step Equations Pixel Art Activity
$3.00Let your students practice while having fun with this engaging no-prep, Mardi Gras-themed, and self-checking two-step equations activity. Students will solve 20 equations using Google Sheets. I used...$3.00 -
Martin Luther King Jr Math Coordinate Plane Pixel Art Activity
$3.00Let your students practice while having fun with this engaging no-prep and self-checking Cartesian Plane mystery picture activity. Students will practice writing ordered pairs for 20 points on the...$3.00 -
Math Decimal Place Value Pixel Art Activity Google Sheet
$3.00Let your students practice while having fun with this engaging no-prep and self-checking place value activity. Students will solve 20 problems (5 digits, with decimals) using Google Sheets. I used...$3.00 -
Math Introduction to Ratios CCSS 6.RP.A.1
$5.00Make the introduction to ratios in 6th grade math easy and engaging! This resource gives you everything you need to teach a 5 day unit that uses Common Core Goal 6-Standard 1 as the roadmap...$5.00 -
Math One Step Equations Activity Worksheet
$1.50Let your students practice while having fun with this engaging no-prep worksheet. It is perfect for online lessons and distant learning. You can use it in your google classroom, or you can print it...$1.50 -
Math Place Value Activity | Digital Escape Room
$3.00This no-prep and digital math escape room is a great way to review place value with your 6th graders! A printable version of the questions is also included. Twenty problems are...$3.00 -
Maze Converting Degrees and Radians
$1.50Have your students apply their understanding and practice conversion between Degrees and Radians with these fun activities. These mazes are ideal because your students will practice and enjoy it...$1.50