
Multiplication Review for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade

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  • Multiplication Review for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
  • Multiplication Review for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
  • Multiplication Review for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
  • Multiplication Review for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade


These entertaining animal themed multiplication review pages are classroom tested, and wonderful for 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students. Each comes with a QR code that links it to a YouTube video made specifically for the page. Use them for multiplication fact fluency practice . As a 3rd grade teacher, I chose to make this, because I noticed the typical way of practicing facts wasn't working. The QR codes are linked to these YouTube videos: Practicing Multiples of 4Practicing Multiples of 6Practicing Multiples of 7Practicing Multiples of 8, and Practicing Multiples of 9. I know the themes will be fun for your kids, because the kids in my class helped pick them. Each page goes with the theme of the video, plus I threw in a bonus, "dogs dressed up in dapper clothes, " for kids to review facts they know they need to review after using the reflection portion of each page. Your kids won't want to stop multiplying! The answer keys are embedded right there in the videos. They will make great centers for your kids or you could use them for a whole class fact fluency activity.


This activity includes:

- 6 themed pages for your kids to record and self assess their practice. Each themed page has it's own unique QR code that will play the video to match the page's theme.

These themes include huskies, monkeys, elephants, horses, and penguins.

-1 bonus practice page

This super fun recording page with dapper dogs is for additional practice. Each of the practice pages has a reflection area. Kids can use these to see which facts they need additional practice on the most, or you the teacher can help them decide. Then they can use this page to record their work.

-1 bonus QR code page

This page allows the kids to scan the code or codes they need to get to the video/s they need to. Each student only needs one page, because all the QR codes are there , labeled, and ready to go.



These are fun, ready to go, NON-WORKSHEET resources.

*No multiplication problems are printed in this resource. These activities work in conjunction with the YouTube videos created to support this specific resource.

This product supports Common Core Standards (CCSS):


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