
Oral History and Interview Assignment to Preserve Family / Local History

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This resource is one of the best, most valuable experiences your students will ever have if you set it up with enthusiasm and expectations.


Semester 1: Mr. Hauger’s Social Studies: Life Story Report

8th Grade Oral History Research Project Overview: You will report on a life story of someone you know.


What is Oral History?: is a field of study and a method of gathering, preserving, and interpreting the voices and memories of people, communities, and participants in past events. Oral history is both the oldest type of historical inquiry, predating the written word, and one of the most modern, with technological innocation (


Your assignment is to interview an adult that you know (family if possible), and connect their experience to a larger topic in history. For example, perhaps you know a firefighter is involved with the Napa/Sonoma fires, or a “first” person to accomplish something. You will interview this person and record their story. In doing so you will be preserving a piece of history.


It is a great honor and privilege to record someone’s life story. Please be considerate of your interview subjects. Make sure they are aware that you will be sharing your interview in class.


Slideshow requirements and rubric included

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